adoptive parents profile

The Adoptimist Editor Account

How To Build & Maintain An Effective Profile

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How The Editor Account Works

Let's get all your questions about the Adoptimist Editor Account answered. Please contact us directly if you still have any other questions or concerns.

Starting Your Account

• You will need to be invited by your particpating adoption professional to join.
• Once you have been invited, you can join here.
• When signing up, be sure to use the email address provided to you by your adoption professional.

Differences Between An Editor Account & Traditional Account

• An Editor account does not ever require any credit card or billing info from you. Your adoption professional has assumed this responsibility.
• As an Editor account holder, you will not receive or have access to any communications received on the site, via phone, email, or Adoptimist messaging. All communications directed to your family & profile will go directly to your adoption professional. All individuals interested in connecting with your family will be contacted directly by your adoption professional.

Similarities Between An Editor Account & Traditional Account

• You will have full access to all our marketing and profile-building tools, including our statistics system from Google Analytics.
• Your profile will receive the same level of expsoure & marketing on the website and our social media sites, as dictated by your membership plan.
• Please read more about building and maintaining your profile in order to maximize the efficacy of your membership.


• You may not have more than one open account on Adoptimist. For example, and Editor and a Featured account.
• Your adoption professional is responsible for opening, downgrading, and closing your profile. If you no longer wish to use your profile for any reason, please notify your adoption professional.
• Any other questions? Please get in touch.

Building A Great Profile