adoptive parents profile

The Adoptimist Editor Account

How To Build & Maintain An Effective Profile

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Building A Great Profile On Adoptimist

Your Adoptimist profile is not the same as a print or even a static website profile. Profiles that are copied directly from elsewhere (print or web) without any further changes or updates generally will not perform well on our site. Profiles that are incomplete, infrequently updated, or those featuring only a few photos will usually not perform well. Keep in mind that we promote your profile updates on the website via the 'Current Activity' status boxes, available on the home page and on several of the key expectant mother member pages (Premium plan only). This is why we strongly encourage our members to continually add to and edit their profiles. Not only will this build a deeper and more meaningful profile, it will get your family even more exposure on the website. On a site with so many great families, it is vital to stay as active and relevant as possible.

As you might expect, many successful families consistently report that this updating method is the best way to increase visibility and traffic on the website. Reading this article will help you increase and maintain your profile visits.

Profile Assistance

For additional profile help, tips, and suggestions, please visit our Profile Help Center. There is a lot of good, free information there and in our blog. But if you wish to pursue the paid service, please contact us or your adoption professional.

More Suggestions

The more content you produce, the more opportunities you have to capture your visitor's attention - and keep it. With this in mind:

• Post well-crafted blog entries with photos that reveal something unique about your family.
• Consider creating a video. People love watching videos. So this will definitely increase the time that visitors spend on your profile.
• Learn to understand your profile statistics and react accordingly. Our profile statistics come directly from Google Analytics, the trusted industry leader. Reading this article can help.

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