Ben & Stacie

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Ben & Stacie

Praying, game loving family- open to older kids and multiples

Hi! Thank you for looking at our profile. Welcome.
We are a praying family- we love Christ and are committed to Him. Jedidiah has been praying for a sister or brother for over a year.
We love games! We play board games, outdoor games, card games, the Switch- we even make up games. We love to have fun together!
We are open to older children, up to three years old. As well as multiples or siblings.
We are praying for you too- we are thankful for you and are thankful for your choice of life and love.

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Who We Are

We met 11 years ago! We wrote to each other for six months while Stacie was on a missions trip in Malawi.
We started dating and were engaged 6 months later! We were married on July 5th, eleven months after that!
We have been married for ten years now and fall more in love with each other each day!

Adoption Diary

A Fun Family Day

Yesterday was a beautiful day. The weather was sunny and cool, with a breeze. And I got to be with my two favorite guys!

We had a laid back morning and then made plans for the day. After discussing some ideas, we decided to stay home and go fishing and build a fire (something Jed has been asking to do).

So we got our fishing polls and went down to the lake. We got out a boat with all our gear. The boys were joking that I would fish the best (which I have the last few times we have gone fishing).

After a while of no one catching anything, we agreed that whoever got a fish into the boat first would get to pick the movie for family night (a tradition we have once a week when we have dinner together while watching a movie).

Soon after I caught a fish…but it jumped off before I got it to the boat! Then Ben caught the next fish, and the next one, and the next! He had Jed reel in his next fish.

I ended up catching three fish, Jed one, and Ben…EIGHT!
Ben caught the most and now has the title of best at fishing!

We had a lot of laughs and a lot of fun! Of course we made it into a game- and Ben won!

We continued to enjoy our day together by the fire for a while. It was a great day! And til the next time Ben will hold the title of being the best at fishing!

Sweet, Summer Days

Today was one of those days. Slow. Fun. Normal. Special.

Spending time today with my sweet boy; playing games, riding on the UTV, swinging, talking…just an ordinary day and yet not ordinary- it was a gift.

I am so thankful for these sweet, summer days. When life is slow and we can enjoy games, being outside, and time together.

I know they won’t last forever, he will be grown one day, so for now I’ll take as many of these kinds of days I can.

Thank You for Visiting Our Adoption Profile

We want to thank you for considering us as adoptive parents for your child.

We truly appreciate your kindness and strength and look forward to hearing from you.


Ben & Stacie

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Ben & Stacie