Alanna & James

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Last Activity: 5 days ago
Alanna & James

Loving, down-to-earth couple hoping to become first time parents. We have so much love to share.

Hello expectant mother!

First off, we just want to say thank you. Thank you for your bravery for making this extremely difficult decision. We can only imagine how tough and uncertain this time can be and want to make sure you are comfortable with whatever path the universe chooses for you and your baby. Our goal is to make sure we not only care for your baby but for you as well. It is important for you to know that you will always be a part of your child’s life and we will make sure to implement pieces of you throughout theirs. We have all the love in the world to give and want to help you in your journey wherever it may lead. Our hearts are ready to be parents and to begin this next chapter of our lives with the blessing of a child.

We are ready for both of you!
Sincerely, Alanna and James

Text or Call us: 347-709-0496
Instagram: @JamesAndAlannaAdopt
Facebook: James & Alanna: Hoping to Adopt

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Who We Are

We first met on a dating app back in 2016. At the time we were both in our mid-20's and living in New York City. On our first date we both knew we were meant for eachother and have been together ever since. We got married in April of 2020 and now currently reside on Long Island, NY. Both of our families are only 15 minutes away and we spend most of our time together. We both come from large Irish Italian families and have five siblings amongst the two of us. We are the type of couple that love to just be together whether that is having date night's at our favorite local restaurant, staying in and re-watching our favorite movie series Lord of the Rings or walking through the park with our french bulldog Bosun. Ever since we met, we knew we wanted to become parents and build on our foundation of love through the blessing of a child. We hope one day that dream of ours comes true.

Adoption Diary

Day off

We luckily both had off today so one of our favorite things to do when the weather is nice is to grab iced coffee from our favorite neighborhood Dunkin Donuts and head to the beach boardwalk. It’s so nice and peaceful during the week to walk on the boardwalk and check out the local surf. We can’t wait to add in a little pair of hands to our hand-holding link and share what this beautiful life has to offer.

Happy 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July! This week we had a whole lot of celebrating to do with the holiday yesterday and both of my (Alanna’s) parents’ birthdays! Fun fact: my parents were born only one day apart on the same year! Connie has a 1 day advantage on Jack but it’s so sweet we get to celebrate them both together. Looking forward to the rest of the summer and hope it takes its time!

Thank You for Visiting Our Adoption Profile

We want to thank you for considering us as adoptive parents for your child.

We truly appreciate your kindness and strength and look forward to hearing from you.


Alanna & James

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Alanna & James