Hysun and Kimberly

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Last Activity: 5 days ago

Our Parenting Philosophy: Nurturing Growth with Love and Understanding

We believe in creating a loving, supportive environment where children can thrive and grow into their best selves. Our approach to parenting combines elements from Montessori and Waldorf methods, especially in the early years. These philosophies encourage hands-on learning, creativity, and respect for each child’s unique development path.
Education is super important to us, which is why we choose to homeschool. We think it gives kids the best start in life, allowing us to tailor their learning to their individual needs and interests. It also means we get to spend lots of quality time together as a family!
When it comes to discipline, we don’t believe in spanking. Instead, we have a whole toolbox of ways to guide our kids’ behavior positively. We focus on talking things through when mistakes happen. This helps our children understand what went wrong and how to make better choices next time. Our goal is to teach them how to solve problems and manage their emotions, not just to follow rules.
We think it’s great for kids to have some structured activities outside the home, like sports or music lessons. But we’re careful not to overschedule. Family time is precious, and we make sure there’s plenty of it!
In our home, we encourage:

Open communication: We’re always ready to listen and talk things out.
Curiosity: We love exploring new ideas and places together.
Responsibility: Kids help out with age-appropriate chores and caring for our family pets.
Empathy: We teach our children to understand and care about others’ feelings.
Independence: We give our kids chances to make decisions and solve problems on their own.

Every child is unique, and we’re excited to adapt our parenting to meet the needs of any child who joins our family. We’re committed to providing a safe, loving home where children feel valued, supported, and free to be themselves.

About This Diary

A view into our regular lives so you can get a feel for who we are.

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We truly appreciate your kindness and strength and look forward to hearing from you.


Hysun and Kimberly

210-263-3655 (toll-free)

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Hysun and Kimberly