Hysun and Kimberly

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Last Activity: 5 days ago

Our Family’s Super Powers

Every family has its own special strengths, and we’re excited to share some of ours with you!
Unconditional Love: In our home, love knows no bounds. We believe in accepting and cherishing each person for who they are. Whether you’re having a great day or a tough one, you’ll always find open arms and understanding hearts here.
Laughter and Fun: We don’t take ourselves too seriously! Our house is filled with silly jokes, goofy dance parties, and epic game nights. We believe laughter is the best medicine and a key ingredient to a happy family.
Strong Values: Our Christian faith guides us in creating a home built on kindness, respect, and compassion. We strive to lead by example, showing our children how to be caring, responsible members of our community.
Lifelong Learning: We’re curious about the world and love to learn new things together. From our homeschooling adventures to family trips exploring new places, we’re always growing and discovering.
Adaptability: As a blended family, we’ve learned to be flexible and open-minded. We know that families come in all shapes and sizes, and we celebrate what makes each person unique.
Supportive Network: We’re blessed with a loving extended family and a tight-knit community. There’s always someone to lend a helping hand or join in the fun.
Open Communication: We believe in talking things out, sharing our feelings, and really listening to each other. No topic is off-limits, and everyone’s voice matters.
Stability and Security: With Hysun working from home and Kim dedicated to homeschooling, we provide a stable, nurturing environment where children feel safe to grow and explore.
Embracing Differences: Our family celebrates diversity in all its forms. We’re excited to welcome a child of any background and help them connect with their cultural heritage.
Adventure Spirit: Whether it’s trying a new recipe, exploring our beautiful Hill Country surroundings, or planning our next family vacation, we love embarking on adventures together.
We’re not perfect, but we’re committed to growing, loving, and supporting each other every single day. We have so much love to give and can’t wait to share our family’s strengths with a new little one through adoption!

About This Diary

A view into our regular lives so you can get a feel for who we are.

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We want to thank you for considering us as adoptive parents for your child.

We truly appreciate your kindness and strength and look forward to hearing from you.


Hysun and Kimberly

210-263-3655 (toll-free)

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Hysun and Kimberly