Hysun and Kimberly

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Our extended family

Hey there! We’re so excited to tell you about our amazing family and friends. You know, they say it takes a village to raise a child, and we’ve got quite the village spread out across the country! Let’s start with Hysun’s side of the family. His mom and grandpa are soaking up the sun down in Florida - lucky them, right? And guess what? His dad and stepmom Linda just moved to east Texas. It’s great having them closer! Now, Hysun’s got four awesome sisters. One’s older, three are Read more »

Adoption: Answering Your Questions and Easing Worries

We know that thinking about adoption can bring up a lot of questions and worries. That’s totally normal! We want to talk about some common concerns and share how we plan to handle them. Will the child know about their adoption? Absolutely! We believe in being open and honest from the very beginning. We’ll share Read more »

Our Family’s Super Powers

Every family has its own special strengths, and we’re excited to share some of ours with you! Unconditional Love: In our home, love knows no bounds. We believe in accepting and cherishing each person for who they are. Whether you’re having a great day or a tough one, you’ll always find open arms and Read more »

Our Slice of Texas Hill Country Heaven

We’re lucky to call a beautiful corner of the Texas Hill Country our home. Picture rolling hills covered in wildflowers, winding rivers, and big Texas skies that stretch as far as the eye can see. That’s our backyard! Our little town might be small, but it’s bursting with charm and family-friendly fun. Just Read more »

Family Traditions

Our family loves our special traditions! Whether it’s our yearly Hawaii trip to see relatives, weekly game nights full of laughs, or making the holidays into awesome adventures, we cherish family time. Birthdays are a big deal - the birthday person picks their favorite meal and activity for all of us to do together. And Read more »

Leading a tech talk at the library

Hysun got to lead a talk at the local library last night. He discussed the current state of AI and where it is headed. It had a great turn out and good engagement. He is looking forward to getting to do it again next month. Read more »

Fun weekend

Recently, we had the exciting opportunity to attend a weekend course on responsible firearm handling and target shooting. Hysun particularly enjoyed honing his marksmanship skills and scored among the top participants on the range, showcasing his natural ability and commitment to safety protocols. It was a fun bonding Read more »

New Agency

We’re thrilled to have recently signed with Lifetime Adoption Consultants. Over the next few weeks, we look forward to beginning our journey with their compassionate team. After extensive research, I felt they were the perfect fit for our family and share our values surrounding the adoption process. We’re excited Read more »

listening ear

We understand that this journey may feel overwhelming at times. If you simply need a supportive listener, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Even if we aren’t the right family fit, we’re here to provide an open ear and emotional support without any expectations. Our goal is to create a judgment-free Read more »

Memorial Day Weekend.

We are having Sam’s best friend over for the weekend and today they will be playing video games. I am taking three of the kittens I’ve been caring for to an adoption event. Fingers crossed that they find their new homes. Here’s hoping for a wonderful start to summer. Read more »

New agency update

We have picked a new agency and will be signing with them either next Thursday or Friday. We are really excited to start working with them. Read more »

What we are looking for

We’re excited to welcome a child up to 7 years old, race, or gender into our family! We are also approved for up to three siblings joining our crew. We understand that some kids may have experienced tough situations, like being exposed to drugs or alcohol before being born. That’s okay with us - we have a strong Read more »

Planning a trip

We’re so pumped for our Hawaii trip this summer! Sam and his best buddy are coming along, and we can’t wait to show them all our favorite spots. Food is a huge part of our vacations - we’re total foodies! I’ve been digging into research, finding cool new places to try. There are so many yummy dishes Read more »

Sometimes things change.

Sometimes when you are doing something for a while, things that once worked are no longer the best fit. The agency that we started with was no longer a good fit for where we are on this journey and are in the middle of signing on with a new agency. We are excited to move forward with them. Read more »

Living life in this time of waiting.

During this waiting period we continue to live our lives and fill the time with things we love to do. Kim has been filling her’s with fostering kittens. It does require time but most of the time it brings her joy. The last couple weeks however have been filled with three very sick kittens two of which didn’t make Read more »

Settling back into routine

While it was wonderful to get to see our family it has been a relief to get back into the swing of normal life. Work, errands, schooling,more kittens that need fostering, everything that makes up our daily life is a comfort and we are glad to be home for now. Read more »

Headed back home.

As wonderful as it was to get to see everyone there is nothing quite as great as driving back home. Getting to enjoy each other’s company, listening to the radio, and making terrible jokes. Read more »

Spending time apart

Hysun had to make a short trip out of State to see his grandmother who has been ill. I wasn’t able to go with him this time and so we got to spend a couple of days apart. It’s not something that we do often but it is a useful reminder of how much we love and miss each other. Read more »

Kim’s Grandma

The plans for the next day involved hanging out with Kim’s grandma(called Nanny). We took her and Kim’s uncle to lunch, then sat and caught up for the rest of the afternoon. Read more »

Hysun’s Dad and Stepmom

After seeing Hysun’s mom yesterday we got to see his dad today. It was his birthday and we got to celebrate with him and one Hysun’s stepbrother and his family. It was wonderful to catch up with everyone. Read more »

Planning to see family

Sometime in the next month Hysun and I are going to travel to see family, specifically Hysuns parents, his grandfather and my grandmother. It has been a couple years since I have gotten to see her and I am really looking forward to it. (Photo is my Grandmother and Uncle) Read more »

When Hysun doesn’t work from home.

Hysun is almost entirely work from home. The exception is when, a few times a year, his entire team will get together to spend the week doing some team building and planning. Next week is one of those weeks. We will drive to the city and spend the time enjoying the busyness of the city as well as restaurants that we Read more »

Our commitment to you, and the child, if chosen.

We know that there is a lot to consider as you work towards making a decision for your child that you feel comfortable with. If you choose our family, here are a few things that we will commit to your child: • They will get to know their family story, where they came from, and who their birth family is. • We will do our Read more »

Solar Eclipse

We were lucky enough to be in the path of totality of the solar eclipse. We got to view it from the yard listening to the NASA broadcast. Sam is extremely interested in all things space and his excitement was contagious. Read more »

Planning a trip

When Kim broke her ankle we started talking about trips we wanted to take once she was up and healed. So we are planning to take a trip later this month to see members of each of our families in Florida. Getting to see Kim’s grandmother, Hysuns parents and Grandfather are all on the agenda for this trip. Kim has been Read more »

Side stepping the plans.

Today I(Kim) did something that wasn’t in the plans. I bought a turkey poult! Needed some animal supplies so on our way home from getting Sam’s friend we stopped at the farm store. They had little baby turkeys and thats something they dont usually have! So that’s exciting for me! Read more »

Side stepping the plans.

Today I(Kim) did something that wasn’t in the plans. I bought a turkey poult! Needed some animal supplies so on our way home from getting Sam’s friend we stopped at the farm store. They had little baby turkeys and thats something they dont usually have! So that’s exciting for me! Read more »

Oh what a day

So this is the last quiet day until at least Tuesday next week. Hysun is fixing the computer of Sam’s best friend(same one that Sam was with all last week). So he is coming for the weekend to get his computer back and hang out since it is such a long drive. But then we realized that the upcoming solar eclipse has Read more »

One word to describe our family

So we couldn’t agree on one word. We each had our own. So we are going to share them both. Kim’s word was nerdy. From the DnD sessions, massive collection of board games, and an extreme amount of fascination of how tech works(and how to secure it). She thinks that we definitely fit that word. Hysun says quirky Read more »

How do our kids feel about adopting?

Sam is 16 and Cait is 19. They are really excited about the idea of having a new sibling and getting to watch them grow up. They are excited to include the new sibling in family traditions and teach them about the things that are important to them like favorite books, games, tv shows and places that they love to go. Read more »


This morning was church for everyone that was home. Then Sam was brought home from the friends that he’d been staying and we visited with the family for a few hours, shared some pizza and got to catch up. The guys got to do some target practice. This evening will be spent resting and getting ready for the week to start Read more »


Saturday is probably my favorite day of the week. Hysun’s off work and it tends to be quiet and filled with fun. Today Hysun is working on a computer project of his that he has been working on for a few weeks. I was going to work on my quilt, but I was contacted about taking on another orphaned, bottle fed kitten for a Read more »

A Fun Friday

Hysun’s work is having a day of learning today and he decided to study for his next certification. Since Sam is still gone, I figure I will take the day to work on grading and transcripts. We have always home schooled and is now in 10th grade. He is doing really well and is looking forward to majoring in astronautical Read more »

What is Thursday like.

So today is Hysun’s last day of teaching this week and he says that it was a great day. Cait(our daughter) is going to get to hang out with Hysun tonight,, they will either play video games or go have a coffee and talk. I took care of the laundry, and the rest of the regular chores. I also took care of the foster Read more »

A Slightly Unusual Wednesday

So on a normal Wednesday, Hysun would be mentoring a young person who is looking to get into the industry after work. But Hysun is teaching a class at work today so the meeting gets cancelled until next week. His group teach classes for one week a month its his favorite part of his job. It’s not a normal Wednesday for Read more »

Tuesday Plans.

Hysun and I spend time one day a week with each of the kids. On Tuesdays, Kim spends time with Cait and Hysun spends time with Sam. After work and school, Hysun and Sam hang out, play video games together and are starting to work on teaching Sam about how to building circuits using a kit.   Cait and I hang out Read more »

Date night was fun.

We stayed in this week and played a game called Cat in the Box for the first time. Then we talked about upcoming plans and about the adoption journey. Read more »

Quiet Monday

Today is an average Monday with Hysun working at home in the office. Sam doing his schoolwork in the living room, and Caitlyn at work. I(Kim) have been working on straightening the house and taking care of 2 week old kittens that I am taking care of for a rescue.(They are adorable and starting to develop personality.) This Read more »

About This Diary

A view into our regular lives so you can get a feel for who we are.

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We truly appreciate your kindness and strength and look forward to hearing from you.


Hysun and Kimberly

210-263-3655 (toll-free)

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Hysun and Kimberly