Hysun and Kimberly

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Hysun and Kimberly

Fun family cherishing faith, nature, game nights hopes to grow through adoption. Eager to welcome a child.

We're happy to get to share our story with you. Our 9 years of marriage have been filled with love, laughter, and adventures, and we can't wait to welcome a new child into our family.

Hysun works from home in cybersecurity and is pursuing his second master's degree. Kimberly homeschools our youngest child and volunteers with animal rescues. Family time is everything to us, whether we're traveling, cheering each other on, or encouraging our kids to pursue their passions.

Our home is brimming with silliness, affection, and unconditional support – the perfect environment for a child to flourish. We look forward to sharing our love and adventures with a new family member.

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Who We Are

In February 2015, I (Kimberly) found Hysun's profile on an online dating site. We had a 99% match and quickly fell in love. Two months later, Hysun proposed, quoting my favorite show, Doctor Who, promising "the trip of a lifetime together."

We had a small, perfect wedding with our kids, Caitlyn and Samuel, beside us. Though they're from my previous marriage, Hysun and the kids have an incredible bond. We've been a family for nine years working on building a wonderful life.

Weekly dinner dates and quality time together keep our relationship strong. The life we've built is our greatest accomplishment, and we're excited to grow our family through adoption.

Adoption Diary

Our extended family

Hey there! We’re so excited to tell you about our amazing family and friends. You know, they say it takes a village to raise a child, and we’ve got quite the village spread out across the country!

Let’s start with Hysun’s side of the family. His mom and grandpa are soaking up the sun down in Florida - lucky them, right? And guess what? His dad and stepmom Linda just moved to east Texas. It’s great having them closer! Now, Hysun’s got four awesome sisters. One’s older, three are younger, and they’re sprinkled all over the place - two in Hawaii, one in California, and another in Wyoming. We try to visit when we can, and it’s always a blast.

Now, onto Kim’s family. Sadly, her mom has passed away, but her dad’s still going strong in Maryland with his new wife, Cindy. Kim’s got a little brother too - Kris - who’s also in Maryland. Oh, and her grandma? She’s enjoying the Florida sunshine just like Hysun’s mom and grandpa!

We’ve got some pretty amazing friends too. When we moved to Texas, Anita, Ed, and Evan welcomed us with open arms. They were our first friends here and boy, are we glad we met them! Our neighbors and church friends are wonderful too - always there when we need them.

Kim still keeps in touch with her besties from way back - Gina and Michelle in Maryland. Hysun’s got his old pals John and Kris from back in Hawaii.

We feel so lucky to have all these fantastic people in our lives. They’re always there for us, cheering us on, and ready to shower a new addition to our family with love. We can’t wait to introduce our future little one to this incredible bunch!

Adoption: Answering Your Questions and Easing Worries

We know that thinking about adoption can bring up a lot of questions and worries. That’s totally normal! We want to talk about some common concerns and share how we plan to handle them.
Will the child know about their adoption?
Absolutely! We believe in being open and honest from the very beginning. We’ll share their adoption story in age-appropriate ways, celebrating how they came to be part of our family.
How will you handle questions about birth parents?
We’ll always speak positively about birth parents and answer questions truthfully. We’re open to whatever level of contact you’re comfortable with, whether it’s sharing updates, photos, or even visits.
What if the child struggles with being adopted?
We’re committed to providing a loving, supportive environment where it’s okay to have big feelings. We’ll seek out adoption-competent counselors if needed and always be there to listen and reassure.
How will you handle cultural differences?
We’re excited to learn about and celebrate your child’s cultural heritage! We’ll incorporate traditions, foods, and stories from their background into our family life. We’re also open to connecting with cultural mentors to help us along the way.
What if the child has special needs?
We have the resources, support system, and dedication to care for a child with special needs. We’re committed to helping every child reach their full potential, whatever that may look like.
How will you discipline?
We use positive parenting techniques focused on communication and understanding. We don’t believe in physical punishment. Instead, we guide children to make good choices and learn from mistakes.
Will the child fit in with your family?
Absolutely! Our hearts are ready to love unconditionally. We’ll make sure your child knows they belong and are a treasured part of our family.
What if you can’t have the same bond as with a biological child?
Love makes a family, not DNA. We already feel a strong connection to the child we’ll adopt, and we know that bond will only grow stronger over time.
We hope this helps ease some worries. Remember, we’re here to listen to your concerns and work together to make sure your child has the best possible life. If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. We’re an open book!

Thank You for Visiting Our Adoption Profile

We want to thank you for considering us as adoptive parents for your child.

We truly appreciate your kindness and strength and look forward to hearing from you.


Hysun and Kimberly

210-263-3655 (toll-free)

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Hysun and Kimberly