Adam and Sarai

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Last Activity: 11 days ago


Zeke has been working hard on his scooter skills and is proud to report he is (almost) as fast as his sister Read more »

Art Museum

The kids attempted to make some art of their own on our visit to the art museum over spring break. Read more »

Hiking the Blue Ridge

Here’s a hike Sarai and I went on recently. Hope to be able to take the kids when they get a little bigger and more able to climb the hills. Read more »

Celebrating professional milestones

Each year our university has a celebratory employee banquet to honor those retiring and achieving various employment milestones. At the 2024 banquet Adam received his 5-year award (though technically in year 7) and Sarai received her 10-year award (though technically in year 11). Here’s Sarai with the University Read more »

Sorting Seeds for the Community Garden

It’s almost time to start planting the community garden. We have taken this on as a family project each year. The kids are helping sort out the seeds to get ready to start digging in the dirt next week. Read more »

First lost tooth.

Aurora is pretty excited about the new gap in her smile. Zeke says he is looking forward to losing some teeth as soon as he gets a bit bigger. Read more »

Gardening in January?!

When it’s 60 degrees in January you get outside and enjoy the weather. Adam and the kids spent an hour in the community garden taking down the tomato vines and sunflower stalks from the fall. Here you can see them posing around the garden’s new compost bin after the kids flattened everything with a joyful round of Read more »

First Snow of 2024

Our location in Virginia only gets the perfect combination of precipitation and cold temperatures for snow a few times each winter, so we thoroughly enjoy it when it happens. This is a view of snow falling on the backyard from the second floor of our house. Not long after the kids were eating snow by the hand-full! Read more »

About This Diary

Here is a sampling of what we get up to as a family.

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Adam and Sarai

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Adam and Sarai