Kim & Justin

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Last Activity: 21 days ago

Sick days

This week has been tough will illness in the house.  Lots of fevers and nausea.  It hasn’t got me yet, so I’ve been keeping everyone comfortable.

As a child I remember spending sick days at my grandmother’s house.  It was a place not suited for children, and I was confide to the couch and had a choice of 3 VHS tapes.  My parents’ almost never took off work, so I would have to truly be sick to even go to my grandmother’s house.  I rarely ever got to spend a sick day in my own bed.

When my husband and I talked about children, we promised to always have a stay at home parent.  We wanted our kids to have support at any time they needed, not just on a job schedule.  We are lucky now to have 3 adults at home.  Not only does my husband stay at home, but I work from home, and my retired father lives with us as well.

While my kids ran a fever this weekend, we spent the day cuddled in bed.  We watched a lot of cartoons, listened to music, and had chicken soup.

Two kids needed another day of rest this Monday.  My husband did most of the cuddling, getting water bottles, and making soup.  I “went” to work, but got to check in on them multiple times.  My youngest spent a hour building legos in my office while I worked.  When she was feeling even better in the afternoon, she relaxed with Papa and watched a movie on his couch. 

Being sick is never fun, but it’s a privilege to be able to stay at home with my kids.  My children can comfortable recover at home or visit their grandfather if they want.  My husband and I always make our kids a priority, especially when they are sick and need our care.

Hopefully I’ll stay healthy this week…

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