Kim & Justin

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Last Activity: 21 days ago

Schedules and routines

With a big family, schedules and routines become important.  We all know when and where we should be when is time to go to school, when we have to do chores, and who gets what seat at the dinner table.  - But having a break from routines is also nice. 

The past 2 weeks have been great breaking routines.  We’ve eaten a lot more food, stayed up late, slept in, and barely cleaned the house.  Some things have to stay the same, like feeding the pets, doing some laundry, and dishes.

Tomorrow I have to go back to work (all the way downstairs to my den) and the day after that the kids head back to school.  It will be a relief to have quiet time to focus on work, but I will miss the freedom. 

Routines can make us feel comfortable, knowing what to expect.  Breaking that routine with holidays and vacation is so much fun.  Luckily, I don’t have to wait too long for another break, we have big plans for the eclipse in April. 

As the new year starts we also make new routines.  The kids have pledged to yelling to the whole house that they’ve brushed their teeth (a task done of our kids need lots of reminders for).  It was great hearing each of them yell, “I brushed my teeth!”  I also plan on walking more and taking breaks while working.  It was a cold fall and work for crazy, but I would love to get back the routine of waking with the dogs 2 times a day in between meetings.

I look forward to adding more routines when we expand our family.  Each child brings something new to the melody and rhythm of our household.

Happy new year!

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Kim and Justin's Adoption Diary

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Kim & Justin

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Kim & Justin