Kim & Justin

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Last Activity: 21 days ago


This holiday season has reminded me how blessed we are to have loving grandparents so close.

My (Kim’s) father lives with us year round.  He has his own in-law suite, so he has his “own” space, when the kids don’t invade it.  He spent tons of time this break baking cookies and repotting indoor plants with the kids.

My mother also came up to visit during the holidays.  She lives in Florida 10 months out of the year, coming back for holidays and the summer.  She always brings activities to do with the kids while she is here.  This break she brought home tons of puzzles and had been doing more than 1 a day with the kids.

My in-laws (Justin’s parents) live only 5 minutes away.  They also have a multi- generational household, with Justin’s grandfather, Justin’s brother (widowed), and our nephew.  Our kids visit often and love playing in their giant basement.  Our older kids are also getting experience baby sitting their toddler cousin while we play board games.

It’s great having so many adults in our children’s lives.  They have lots of people to talk to and to spend time with.  It is also a great advantage for us parenting.  We have lots of help when we need it and loving family minutes away for emergencies.

The kids spent a whole day with my in-laws after Christmas so that Justin and I could clean up the house.  We can also call over if we need an extra adult.  We have had help when the kids brought home the stomach flu, when I had to take a kid to get stitches and needed an immediate baby sitter, and when we just want a date night.

As well as grandparents, our kids have aunts and uncles nearby.  My brother lives just 2 blocks from their school.  We visit the pizza shop he works at after school and he’s there if the kids get sick or need something during the school day.  Justin’s older brother lives 20 minutes away and visits often to play board games.

We are extremely lucky to have loving family so close.  Our kids have so many positive adults teaching them baking, gardening, computer programming, art, and more. 

Pictured: Christmas with cousins, aunts and uncles, grandparents, and great- grandpa.

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Kim and Justin's Adoption Diary

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Kim & Justin

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Kim & Justin