Glenna & Andrew

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Last Activity: 9 days ago

Nursery Preparation, pt. 3

Hello expectant mama!

We are still working on our nursery bit by bit. My main project at the moment is knitting a super soft blanket for our future child. The yarn is really thick and squishy, so I just know the child will be so happy and warm in it! And it will be big (but not too big), so the child can grow with it and enjoy it for a very long time.

This week my (Glenna) mom and grandma are visiting from California and they are super hopeful and excited for us and our adoption journey that we hope to make with you! We’ve been sitting in the living room while I knit on the blanket and just talking about all our dreams and plans to be the best family we can be. We’re also baking banana bread and making our family spaghetti sauce and all the fun cooking things together. we really cannot wait to share the love and the food!

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If you are an expectant mother, birth parent, guardian, or anyone else interested in finding out more about our family, feel free to write.

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We want to thank you for considering us as adoptive parents for your child.

We truly appreciate your kindness and strength and look forward to hearing from you.


Glenna & Andrew

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Glenna & Andrew