Glenna & Andrew

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Last Activity: 9 days ago

Fun Evening with Our Niblings!

Andrew and I decided to take our nieces and nephew for a night to give their parents a break. The oldest daughter is 7, the middle son is 4, and the baby girl is 18 months old, so we had a fun range of ages! They were really excited to play Minecraft with Andrew, so we did spend a lot of time doing that, letting them fight the monsters and build houses with pink beds.

They were silly beans for dinner, but they did eat most of their plates and only smeared a moderate amount of mac and cheese on the chairs. We got a ton of hugs and cuddles, and we had intended to take them outside to play but the weather had other ideas and rained us in.

It was a shock to us, since these kids are fussy for bedtime a lot, that we got all three of them asleep by 9pm in their own sleeping spaces on the couches. Definitely a win! The youngest especially doesn’t like to sleep alone because she doesn’t want to miss out on anything that might be happening.

In the morning, Andrew sent the kids in to wake me up for pancake breakfast, and they were giggling in the cutest way. We all had breakfast, played blocks, more Minecraft, tooth and hair brushing, and they cleaned up the toys when it was time to head home. There were some typical sibling squabbles, but nothing too serious or that we felt we couldn’t handle.

It was a small taste of what we hope our future to be, if you choose us.

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Glenna & Andrew

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Glenna & Andrew