Glenna & Andrew

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Last Activity: 9 days ago

Banana Bread Legacy

Hello expectant mama!

This past week, my (Glenna) Mom and Grandma Sugars visited us for a week from California. Growing up, my sister and I always made banana bread with Grandma’s recipe around the holidays at her house, so every family could bring a big loaf home.

So, I asked her to bake with me again, and it was so much fun! Even when I dropped the beater in the dough, it was still funny and a good time. My husband and Grandma prefer walnuts in their loaves, but Mom and I don’t, so I didn’t think I had any on hand. But, I found a bag of whole nuts Andrew had picked up and mom sat and cracked open the walnuts in there just for them. We also discovered Grandma Sugars still has a really strong grip even in her late 80s, because the last walnut would not split open but she got it when Mom hadn’t been able to.

We made dozens of muffins and mini-loaves with the tripled recipe we made, enough for Mom to take some home to my brother and for my sister to fill a big gallon bag of them, since she loves them for breakfast.

Someday, I hope to teach this recipe and how to bake for love to our child, so it can be continued on forever. :) The memories are priceless and the smell and companionship are wonderful treasures I want to share.

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Glenna & Andrew

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Glenna & Andrew