Marissa & Adam

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Last Activity: 27 days ago

“Even Miracles Take a Little Time”- Cinderella- Meet Our Daughter

Meet our sweet, beautiful happy four-year-old daughter who genuinely loves all around her- family, friends and animals alike.  She loves making people laugh and smile and lending a hand however possible.  She has a big heart and naturally shows concern for those sad or hurt and seeks to comfort them.  Our daughter enjoys horseback riding and spending time with horses.  She always makes sure they have enough to drink and are comfortable.  She was the star in her dance recital and her preschool moving up ceremony.  She plays soccer and T-ball and enjoys swimming, singing, playing her keyboard and doing gymnastics.  That’s not all, she even is learning Spanish so she will be able to communicate without boundaries.  Our daughter is full of imganinition and shares her stories wherever she gos.  She has found a best friend in our family dog Tico who keeps up with her energy.  Our daughter’s biggest dream is to be a big sister and we know she will make a great one!

About This Diary

A glimpse into our family- traditions, special events, holidays, current happenings and more.

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Marissa & Adam

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Marissa & Adam