Marissa & Adam

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Last Activity: 27 days ago

A Time Of Thanks

Thanksgiving is a special time for our family. It is a time we share our gratitude for all of our blessings, especially the love we share with our family and friends.  Our daughter explained that she is most thankful for “mom hugs, my pet, Tico and my whole family.” She also helped a turkey disguise himself as a princess so he would not be eaten this Thanksgiving. We spent the holidays with Grammy and Grandpa and had a delicious turkey dinner with all the trimmings, even pumpkin ice cream!  Then the next day, Gigi and Papa came over for another turkey dinner celebration. These celebrations allowed our family to share with one another our thanks we have for each other.

About This Diary

A glimpse into our family- traditions, special events, holidays, current happenings and more.

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Marissa & Adam

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Marissa & Adam