Virginia & Nour

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Last Activity: 16 days ago

A Patient, but Busy Summer - Part I

Virginia and I can’t believe that it has been six weeks since our adoption profile and diary went live. It felt like we achieved such a large milestone in our journey on that date back in July, but we clearly have a much bigger goal in sight. While so many parents looking to adopt a child have their journeys marked by unique circumstances, the one thing that I’d imagine we all share in is what happens now: the wait.

You hear stories of people getting matched immediately; others can wait months or even upwards of two years to adopt a child. It is this limbo, unknown state of wait, that now feels very tangible. That feels different from the period before we went live. The only thing we can do is live our life and try to give you a continued glimpse into this stage of our journey. I mean, it is also summer, and Virginia and I have been determined to really enjoy this time.

The Adoption Diary is very new to us and we’ve missed out on providing frequent updates about our summer 2022 journey. So we’ve decided that instead of cramming it all into one long update OR not sharing all the positive memories and experiences from the last few weeks, we’ll post this mini series to get you all up-to speed.

We’ll try to post every 3-4 days in order to get you all caught up on our summer…and then we’ll revert to a more spaced out schedule of diary submissions. It just feels like there is a lot to share that has happened over the past few weeks, and our journey is no longer just meant for us; it now has you as a participant.

So for now, thank you again for taking an interest to learn about who Nour and Virginia are and stay tuned for Part II of this mini-series within our Adoption Diary. It will come with stories and photos.

Don’t miss out!

About This Diary

Our adoption diary will chronicle our journey into offering a child unconditional loved, endless opportunities, and a supportive home and nurturing home.

Contact Us

If you are an expectant mother, birth parent, guardian, or anyone else interested in finding out more about our family, feel free to write.

Thank You for Visiting Our Adoption Profile

We want to thank you for considering us as adoptive parents for your child.

We truly appreciate your kindness and strength and look forward to hearing from you.


Virginia & Nour

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Virginia & Nour