Ryan & Amanda

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Last Activity: 17 days ago

Dear expectant mother,

Ryan here. I wanted to take a moment to share with you that I was adopted by my parents when I was born. One of my sisters, Audrey, was adopted as well. Growing up my mom and dad always made sure that I understood how special it was that I was adopted. They were always open with my sister and I about our adoptions and we took time each day to pray for our birth mothers. It is because I was given this opportunity in my life that I decided at a young age that I would want to adopt a child of my own. I would love the Read more »

About This Diary

Happy Holidays! Amanda and I are so excited that Christmas time is finally here. It's hands down Amanda's favorite time of year! We have so many things planned with our family.
As always, we are preparing for our annual gingerbread house competition with the rest of the family (Amanda and I are defending champs). We are hoping to see snow very soon so we can enjoy some sledding and heading to the Columbus Zoo Christmas lights.

We also have a few holiday concerts to attend with my nephew Carter in the school choir and my Mom in the local community choir. We have a very musical family and it shows this time of year! I played the trumpet while Amanda, my Mom, and both my sister's play piano.

Amanda and the rest of the girls in the family have their annual shopping day coming up along with the neighborhood Christmas party. It's definitely a busy time for the Welch's!!

I typically spend this time of year in the woods deer and pheasant hunting with friends and family to help stock the freezers for the year. Amanda and I enjoy trying all kinds of new recipes each year! Also, I was lucky enough to help my nephew harvest his first deer this year, and it was a big buck!!

Even in these busy times, Amanda and I continue to make time for just us each morning with a nice cup of coffee (Amanda loves her Christmas mugs) and spending time with each out and our pup.

Contact Us

If you are an expectant mother, birth parent, guardian, or anyone else interested in finding out more about our family, feel free to write.

Thank You for Visiting Our Adoption Profile

We want to thank you for considering us as adoptive parents for your child.

We truly appreciate your kindness and strength and look forward to hearing from you.


Ryan & Amanda

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Ryan & Amanda