Rich & Laura

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Last Activity: 12 days ago

spring is here

i have alway’s wanted to be a mom since i was a little girl but because of certain circumstances in my life i was not able to be a mom mother’s day was so very hard for me i lost my mom and my grandma when i was very young i would love to be a mom so much i wish whoever is reading this would condider placing their baby with us because your baby would be loved and cherished like the precious baby he or she is and we would give your baby a precious life with us’ he or she would be adored above and beyound anything else please would you condider us when placing your baby thank you for taking the time to read our post take care

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If you are an expectant mother, birth parent, guardian, or anyone else interested in finding out more about our family, feel free to write.

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We want to thank you for considering us as adoptive parents for your child.

We truly appreciate your kindness and strength and look forward to hearing from you.


Rich & Laura

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Rich & Laura