Donovan & Stephenie

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Donovan & Stephenie

To a Special Someone from a Unique, Loving Family

We are Donovan and Stephenie of Northern Virginia. We like to think of ourselves as loving, responsible, educated, God-honoring people. We met in church more than 17 years ago, and after a couple years of dating and engagement, we married in 2006. We would be lying if we made our marriage seem like a “bed of roses” ever since, but we can say with confidence that we love each other, we make a great team, and God has been gracious to us both throughout our marriage.

We bought our home in late 2008 and gave birth to our only daughter about a year later (she is 12 as of the time of this writing). Several years after our daughter was born, we confessed regularly that we would likely adopt in the future. We considered foster-to-adopt through the state/county government and even completed their course, however, that wasn't the best option for permanent support since adoption is far less common through that process. Nevertheless, we believe the best means for us to adopt now is through direct placement adoption.

We are excited about the prospect of adding to our family through adoption!  Our motivation is simple: we want to expand our family and share the same gracious and godly love that has been bestowed on us.  Moreover, in recent years, we witnessed firsthand how our close friends/family lovingly blessed four children through similar means, and we have enjoyed being a regular part of their lives.  It is such a blessing to witness this family, filled with love and support; we hope to do the same. 

Our daughter is an absolute joy, and we believe another child will only further enhance our family. Unfortunately, pregnancy had some challenges and while not completely outside of childbearing years, we are certainly within the window of high-risk pregnancy. Adoption, with the right existing mother/father or the right expectant mother/father, is one way for us to bless the child while enlarging our family.

We have great compassion for birth parents, too. We realize that there are often difficult and mitigating circumstances associated with seeking out adoptive parents. As such, we are certainly available for a level of aid and openness with birth parents in this adoption effort.

In closing, Donovan and Stephenie are two people who genuinely love God, love people, and look forward with hopeful anticipation to loving another addition (or two) to the family.  It has been a challenge to share so much on our site; sharing our heart and life on the internet is no simple task. Yet, the motivation makes the task worth it.  We are blessed because we came from imperfect but loving families.  Now, we have this life, this opportunity to expand our family through adoption and bless others in the process. We hope you’ll contact us for more information.

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Who We Are

As stated in our letter, we met in church more than 17 years ago, and after a couple years of dating and engagement, we married in 2006. We were both intrigued by our common interest, looks, and the general warmth we both had towards others and one another. All these things lead to us being a great team.

As mentioned in our profile, we are Christian, and our faith is both real and important to us.  We are not perfect, but we strive to live this life in hope of the One who gave His life for us.  We are Protestant and non-denominational.  We serve in leadership capacity at our local church (pastors); Stephenie sings, our daughter is gracefully advancing on the piano, and we are in church (online via Zoom or in person) multiple times per week.  We have family times of prayer and devotionals where Donovan leads the family in a biblical teaching or passage that is applicable to all of us.  Our daughter is homeschooled right now, but prior to COVID, she attended the private Christian school about a mile away. 

Adoption Diary

Luray Caverns (Summer 2023)

This was an interesting experience over the summer.  We’d lived a couple hours away from Luray for several years, but this was the first time we’d visited.  We truly saw a glimpse of the majesty of God’s creation!

Thank You for Visiting Our Adoption Profile

We want to thank you for considering us as adoptive parents for your child.

We truly appreciate your kindness and strength and look forward to hearing from you.


Donovan & Stephenie

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Donovan & Stephenie