Rich & Elite

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About Us

Our Story

Having met in college, we have been together for just over 20 years and married for 17. We currently live in a peaceful, relaxed, and diverse neighborhood, about 25 minutes North of NYC. We are very outgoing, friendly, professional laidback people. We enjoy everything from entertaining friends and family in our home to binge-watching television shows till the sun goes down. We both love to travel and explore places near and far during all seasons (yes even winter) and spend much of our time giving back to the community.

Together we feel like we make the perfect pair. We bring out the best in each other and we feel that is all we can ask for. We genuinely enjoy each other's company, whether we are simply watching a movie on the couch, going for a run, going grocery shopping, or taking a trip, we have fun being side by side.

As much fun as we have together, we can’t wait to have a child that we can share our lives with. As our relationship progressed, we’ve had the overwhelming feeling of wanting to become a family, sometimes it’s all we can talk about. There are so many emotions that go along with moving from being a couple to becoming a family, but for us we only see excitement. To us having a child would complete the life we have built. Providing your child with a safe and nurturing environment and our unconditional love would be an honor.

Our Home

photo of adoptive family's home We currently live in a peaceful, relaxed, and diverse neighborhood, about 25 minutes North of NYC, right on the Hudson River. There are parks, nature trails, playgrounds, local shops and community activities to explore all year round.

There are great schools nearby and lots of young families.

Our apartment is modern, spacious, and part of a complex with a swimming pool, garden and nature trail.


adoptive family photo - Rich I am a 3rd generation Italian who was born in Brooklyn, New York. I grew up in New Jersey, and moved back to New York after we got married. I have a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and I work for a technology and media company in their HR department, specializing in U.S. benefits.

I am past president of the NYC CEBS Chapter and PanCan volunteer. I have always been a hard worker, which carries over into my current job. I find my job interesting, because things are constantly changing, and there is so much to learn. I am also able to work from home full-time, which has been great and will ensure our child has an easy transition.

In my spare time I enjoy biking, spending time with family and friends, and travelling. I look forward to doing these things, and so much more as a father. Exploring the world with a child will make the experience 100 times better!


adoptive family photo - Elite I grew up in Los Angeles, and moved to New York in 2000. I am a Director of Marketing in a national accounting firm, and work a flexible schedule. I love to cook, and come up with fun, creative recipes to make.

My close friends and family have always said I am a very genuine person. I have always enjoyed this description of myself, because I always try to be the best person I can be. I put other people first, especially my family. I am on the board of the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network (PanCan) NYC, helping chair their NYC Walk as well past Alumni Board Member for the University of Hartford, and Glamour Gals. Being a part of these organizations, giving back to the community and helping people in need, brings me such joy.

I can’t wait to be a mother; it is something I have always wanted to be, above anything else. I have a lot of patience, love, and support and want to give everything that is me to your child.

Thank You for Visiting Our Adoption Profile

We want to thank you for considering us as adoptive parents for your child.

We truly appreciate your kindness and strength and look forward to hearing from you.


Rich & Elite

646-988-6281 (toll-free)

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Rich & Elite