Rich & Elite

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Rich & Elite

Hello from New York!

Thank you for taking the time to get to know us. We have had many discussions about adoption, becoming parents, and how our lives would change forever. Each discussion led us to the same place which is us wanting to share the lives we built with a child. We promise to always put your child first, above anything or anyone else. We want your child to be happy, and supported, and we will do everything in our power to ensure that. We will share our personal values of compassion, empathy, loyalty, honesty, and reliability with your child who will know it was your love that brought him/her into our lives.

We hope you know we are so excited to enter the next chapter of our lives; we know it is going to be the best chapter yet and we look forward to going on this journey with you.

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Who We Are

Having met in college, we have been together for just over 20 years and married for 17. We currently live in a peaceful, relaxed, and diverse neighborhood, about 25 minutes North of NYC. We are very outgoing, friendly, professional laidback people. We enjoy everything from entertaining friends and family in our home to binge-watching television shows till the sun goes down. We both love to travel and explore places near and far during all seasons (yes even winter) and spend much of our time giving back to the community.

Together we feel like we make the perfect pair. We bring out the best in each other and we feel that is all we can ask for. We genuinely enjoy each other's company, whether we are simply watching a movie on the couch, going for a run, going grocery shopping, or taking a trip, we have fun being side by side.

As much fun as we have together, we can’t wait to have a child that we can share our lives with. As our relationship progressed, we’ve had the overwhelming feeling of wanting to become a family, sometimes it’s all we can talk about. There are so many emotions that go along with moving from being a couple to becoming a family, but for us we only see excitement. To us having a child would complete the life we have built. Providing your child with a safe and nurturing environment and our unconditional love would be an honor.

Adoption Diary

Another Summer…

So, here we are .... another summer… and we still wait.  Our hopes are high that this will be the year someone chooses us to give a child a life they cannot.  We are keeping busy with the family, the pool, and a couple of mini vacations.  It would be so nice to have a little one in the splash pool with us or there to join us in these fun celebrations.  Rich’s birthday is coming up and his mom will be flying in to join us and make him his favorite dinner.  She is so excited, but so is her.  She is a wonderful cook and loves to do it! Looking forward to the celebration with friends… pics to come..

Well, at least the Yankees Tried

Was lucky enough to be able to attend a Yankees game this season.  Although not a huge baseball fan, it is always fun to go.. see people, socialize and of course get great photos.  The weather in NY that day was 96 degrees which made it difficult to be able to enjoy the game without feeling like being in a sweat lodge, but we made it work - the Yankees, on the other hand, did not.  better luck next season!

Thank You for Visiting Our Adoption Profile

We want to thank you for considering us as adoptive parents for your child.

We truly appreciate your kindness and strength and look forward to hearing from you.


Rich & Elite

646-988-6281 (toll-free)

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Rich & Elite