Lindsay & Matt

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Last Activity: 9 hours ago
Lindsay & Matt

We're a kind, open, active family with a warm, supportive home ready for a baby!

We’re Matt and Lindsay. We’re hoping to grow our loving, active, adventurous family!

From celebrating holidays with our big wonderful family, playing with friends at our local city parks and playgrounds, to traveling and outdoor adventure — we can’t wait to grow our family and share our love for life.

Our families and friends are fun-loving, caring, and supportive. Between the two of us, we have more than a dozen nieces and (nephews ranging from babies to teenage), siblings, aunts, uncles, and cousins. And our close group of friends and their kids can't wait for us to continue to expand our family!

Here are some quick, fun facts to help you get to know us!
I’m Creative, active, empathetic, and organized.
• Excited about: Geeking-out with our kids with science and art projects
• Craves: Hot chocolate (whipped cream, please!)

• Fave: Making funky, modern, seasonal crafts

• Happy place: Running in Central Park

• Works: Designs apps and websites

I’m athletic, thoughtful, easy-going, and fun-loving.
• Excited about: Playing like a kid with our kids
• Craves: Italian food

• Fave: Playing ice hockey

• Happy place: Stoney lake with the family

• Works: Coaches college athletes

• I’m spirited, goofy, caring, and very active.
• Craves: Friends and ice cream
• Fave: Ripping on bike or skis, having a dance party
• Happy place: Playground with buddies
• Activities: Biking, skiiing, drawing, dancing
• Excited to: Play soccer and football, swim, hang with cousins

We’re very grateful for your consideration, as we’re sure that this decision can’t be easy for you and that you will make it with the utmost thought and care.

We live guided by four pillars: kindness, affection, laughter, and adventure. We promise promise to raise children with our guiding stars: enrichment, openness, support, and compassion.

Love and light,
Lindsay, Matt and Everett

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Who We Are

Oh hey! It's nice to meet you. We’re Matt, Lindsay, and Everett. We’re hoping to grow our loving, active, adventurous family! Here's a little bit about us:

We're optimistic, active, and kind. We met more than 12 years ago in NYC and we've been happily married for 10 years. We live in a wonderfully family-friendly neighborhood in where we have a great, close group of friends with young kids. Lindsay works as an app designer and Matt coaches athletes.

We are close with our families. Between the two of us, we have have five siblings, nine nieces and nephews, and more than a dozen aunts, uncles and cousins!

Celebrating holidays, birthdays, life's little wins with these family and friends is what it's all about for us. We look forward to expanding our family to continue to share our joy for life.

"You’d be hard pressed to find anyone more committed to being the best parents they can possibly be than Matt and Lindsay. In my opinion, a child placed in their care has won the lottery."
— Patrick, close friend of Matt & Lindsay

Fun Facts!
We're Excited About: Playing like kids with our kids

Our Faves: Hanging with our great group of friends and kids, playing sports, getting creative

Our Happy Places: The lake with the family, with kids at the playground at the park, our home

Adoption Diary

A Message to You, from Us

Thank you for taking the time to view our profile. We crafted this it carefully over dozens and dozens of love-filled hours! We’re very grateful for your consideration, as we’re sure that this decision can’t be easy for you and that you will make it with the utmost thought and care. 

Love and light,
Matt & Lindsay

Thank You for Visiting Our Adoption Profile

We want to thank you for considering us as adoptive parents for your child.

We truly appreciate your kindness and strength and look forward to hearing from you.


Lindsay & Matt

646-504-2806 (toll-free)

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Lindsay & Matt