Adoption Blog

January 5, 2013

What Does It Mean When An Expectant Mother ‘Likes’ or ‘Follows’ Your Family?

What does it mean when a registered expectant mother begins to ‘like’ or ‘follow’ your family? Simply put, one of our registered expectant mother members is interested in you and has added you to her list of families. She does this by clicking on the ‘Like This Family’ button found at the top of every family profile on the site. Whenever she logs in to her Adoptimist account, she can access this list. Each family entry contains your photo, name, profile link, a brief bio, and the date of your most recent site activity. This list gives the expectant mother a quick way to view and access every family that she is interested in.

Adoptive parents on the site are not made aware of the identity of the member following them. This can be both exciting and frustrating. But keep in mind, one of the reasons our expectant mother membership is so popular is the complete anonymity that we provide to our members. You may be one of a dozen families she is following. Or you may be the only family she is following. She may not choose to contact your family right away. She may not ever choose to contact your family.

The only thing you can really do is continue to keep your profile up to date and fresh in the hopes that she (or another member) may spot your family and decide to visit your profile and contact you.

Some final notes: - Only registered expectant mother members on the site can use the ‘Like’ button. - We do not currently purge or remove ‘follows’ because some expectant mothers may choose not to login for extended periods of time. Should she choose to return to the site, we need to keep her data intact so that she can view and contact her saved families. This does occur on occasion.

About The Author

Adoptimist staff members are dedicated to providing support for adoptive parents with quality outreach and marketing advice. Our goal is to provide direct, honest, and useful information that is full of positivity and resourcefulness. Whether you are an Adoptimist member or not, we are ready to assist you in your adoption journey.

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About This Adoption Blog

The Adoptimist blog features advice, tips, and inspiration for adoptive parents who are actively pursuing adoption connections online.

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