Adoption Blog

November 13, 2012

Adoptimist Statistics and Rankings Explainer

Adoptimist members don’t have to speculate about what kind of impact their profiles are making. They can quickly view our comprehensive statistics and make informed decisions based upon them. Here is a quick primer to help your family get the most out of our statistics and rankings system.

About Adoptimist Rankings

Profile rankings are based on a statistical comparison of all profiles in our system. The statistics upon which your ranking is based are pulled directly from Google Analytics - the most trusted source for website stats and traffic data on the internet. Rankings can help you gain an understanding of your profile’s effectiveness by providing an accurate picture of its performance over time. By consistently observing trends in your ranking, you can begin to make informed decisions about your profile. Not every family will want to use the ranking system and that is okay. After all, it only takes one visitor to form a solid connection. But for those families that are interested in being proactive, trying to reinvigorate a slow campaign, or asking the question “What else can I do?”, we invite you to take a closer look at our rankings and statistics.


Finally, rankings and statistics in general are only part of your profile’s story. Rankings will change over time and sometimes dramatically. But we encourage you to still rely upon intuition, personal preferences, and advice from those you trust as you make future decisions about your profile.

How To Interpret Your Rankings

Rank data is categorized into three milestones:

All-time - Includes data from the entire history of your profile

Last 7 Days - Includes data from the last seven days of your profile

Last 30 Days - Includes data from the last thirty days of your profile

We provide ranking data for the following key statistics:

Average time on page: The average time a visitor spends upon each page (main, about, diary, etc) in your profile.

Pageview: The number times a user looks at any particular page in your profile.

Unique Pageviews: Page views from brand-new visitors that view your profile for the first time.


Practical Uses for Rankings

There are several ways that a profile rank can help you manage your profile. For example, if you find that your all-time rank is favorable but the last 7 days are poor, you may just consider this a quirk or aberration. If however you see that the last 30 days show a larger downward trend, you can begin to consider making updates or changes to your profile. You might for example try to boost the average time spent on your page by changing the lead photo or introduction letter. Or you might consider adding a video, blog entry, or new photo gallery. This will increase user engagement and also give expectant mothers more reasons to Like / Follow your family. If unique visits to your profile are down, you might consider beginning additional internet advertising. Conversely, if they are up, you might choose to stand pat and conserve your funds.

About Profile Totals

While Profile Rank shows how your profile performs in comparison with other Adoptimist profiles, Profile Totals display the concrete profile data for the following three statistics: average time on page, pageviews, and unique pageviews.

Use these numbers in conjunction with your profile ranking to form a more accurate picture about what your profile has done (all-time), where it is currently (last seven days), and where it may be headed (last thirty days).

Next Steps

Try checking your statistics and rankings at least once a week to get an idea of how it all works. You may decide that following statistics is not for your family and that is perfectly fine. You can definitely find success on the site without ever using our statistical system. But for families that want to be proactive and do more, our statistics offer a chance to dig deeper and really make a positive impact with your profile.

About The Author

Adoptimist staff members are dedicated to providing support for adoptive parents with quality outreach and marketing advice. Our goal is to provide direct, honest, and useful information that is full of positivity and resourcefulness. Whether you are an Adoptimist member or not, we are ready to assist you in your adoption journey.

You can email Adoptimist at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).

About This Adoption Blog

The Adoptimist blog features advice, tips, and inspiration for adoptive parents who are actively pursuing adoption connections online.

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